Masaura, also known as "sun-dried lentil nuggets," is a traditional food in Nepal. Here's an overview of its nutrients, health benefits, and consumption:
Nutrients in Masaura:
Protein: Masaura is a good source of plant-based protein, essential for muscle development and repair.
Dietary Fiber: It contains dietary fiber, aiding digestion and promoting a feeling of fullness.
Vitamins: Masaura provides vitamins like vitamin B1 (thiamine) and small amounts of other B vitamins.
Minerals: It offers essential minerals such as iron, potassium, and magnesium.
Health Benefits:
Protein Source: Masaura serves as a valuable protein source, especially in vegetarian diets.
Digestive Health: Dietary fiber supports digestive health, preventing constipation.
Consumption in Nepal:
Masaura is a traditional and beloved food in Nepal, often consumed in the following ways:
Curries: Masaura is used in lentil curries and traditional Nepali dishes, adding texture and flavor.
Snacks: It can be deep-fried to create crunchy snacks, often enjoyed with a side of chutney.
Pickles (Achar): Masaura is a common ingredient in pickles and chutneys, contributing a unique taste.
Medicinal Use: In traditional Nepali medicine, masaura is believed to have digestive and cooling properties.
Religious Practices: Masaura is also offered in Hindu religious rituals.
While masaura is rich in protein and fiber, it's often deep-fried, which can increase its calorie content. As with any food, moderation is essential for a balanced diet.
Buy Masaura online in Nepal with Sewapoint from Nearby stores.