Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, is a tropical fruit known for its vibrant red or yellow skin and speckled flesh with tiny black seeds. The fruit has a mild, sweet taste and a texture similar to that of a kiwi or pear. Dragon fruit is not only visually appealing but also rich in nutrients, making it a popular choice for health-conscious consumers.
Dragon fruit is a nutrient-dense fruit that offers a variety of health benefits:
Dragon fruit has been gaining popularity in Nepal over the past few years. Although it is a relatively new fruit to the Nepalese market, local cultivation is on the rise, especially in the southern plains and some hilly regions where the climate is suitable for its growth. Dragon fruit is available in various supermarkets, local markets, and online platforms like Sewapoint. The fruit is usually available during the warmer months, from late spring to early autumn, depending on the region. Its increasing availability reflects growing consumer demand and interest in exotic and nutritious fruits in Nepal.